Customer-Centric Messaging and How to Boost Engagement with SMS Business Solutions

Are your customers taking months to respond to your emails? Are all your phone calls going straight to voicemail, even if you're calling customers at the "right times"? Odds are you're dealing with DCS or disengaged customer syndrome. Don't worry; every business deals with it at some point and we've got a treatment recommendation: give them the ability to text you. 

Why? Because it's one of the most popular ways to communicate. In fact, over 90 percent of consumers prefer texting to phone calls or emails, and why wouldn't they? It's easy, fast, and helps them avoid hours of on-hold music. Not to mention, it's relatively spam-free. You can open up a texting channel today by investing in an SMS business solution. 

What are SMS Business Solutions?  

SMS business solutions are software-based platforms that allow businesses to text their customers in a secure, professional manner. Cloud9VoIP's solution goes beyond just text-enabling your current numbers, opening up whole new levels of customer engagement. Here's why. 

The Positive Impact of SMS Business Solutions on Customer Engagement  

While there are many positive impacts SMS has on businesses, the following points are directed specifically toward customer engagement. Here at CLoud9VoIP, we believe customers should always come first. SMS helps you do just that: put customers and their needs first. 

1. Provides Instant, Direct, Convenient Communication for Customers  

Think about it – how often do you ignore a text message? Probably not as frequently as you do with emails. Well, your customers are the same way! Almost 100 percent of people open their text messages – and respond to them – within five minutes of receiving them. While emails may get lost in crowded inboxes, texts get the recipient's attention immediately. 

Unlike phone calls that can be time-consuming and often inconvenient, texts are quick to open and respond to. By choosing to text your customers, you're meeting them where they want to be without the hassle of apps or extra steps.  

TEXTING TIP #1: Texting isn't just about broadcasting messages – it's about building a conversation. Make sure you give your customers the opportunity to respond, ask questions, or provide feedback because that is what they want from brands but often fail to get.  

2. Improves Message Personalization via Customer Segmentation  

Generic, one-message-fits-all texts are about as useful as generic, one-size-fits-all sizing. In that, it's completely unhelpful because 81 percent of consumers want their favorite brands to know what they like and when to approach them. Our SMS solutions let you do that through customer segmentation. The platform lets you separate customers by preference, behavior, and demographics so you can send messages and offers that resonate with each group. Such personalization makes your customers feel valued and understood, increasing the likelihood of engagement and even conversion.

TEXTING TIP #2: You can use this personalization to market your products and services using text messages. By offering them early product access, discounts, and other deals, you can drive engagement and increase sales.

3. Ups Your Customer Service Game  

Texting can be a powerful asset to any business's CX. When you open an SMS support line, you're offering customers assistance that's fast, easy, and conversational. Customers ask questions, get clarifications, or report problems instantly – with pictures if need be. This kind of support not only makes customers happier but also strengthens their trust in your brand and loyalty to it. Plus, you can also use SMS to send order updates, delivery alerts, or appointment reminders, keeping customers engaged from start to finish.

4. Makes Your Messages More Appealing with Multimedia Support  

Unlike some of our competitors, Cloud9VoIP's SMS business solution lets you send images, PDFs, and videos to your customers. Imagine showcasing your latest product with a stunning image, providing a step-by-step tutorial through a PDF, or giving a sneak peek of your service with a quick video. It's not just texting; it's a visual treat that leaves a lasting impression. With multimedia engagement, you're not just telling your customers – you're showing them in the most captivating way possible.

5. Guarantees You (and Your Customers') Privacy  

Thanks to our simple text enablement, Cloud9VoIP's SMS business solutions let you text your customers without giving out your personal number. This not only safeguards your customers' privacy but also protects your business from accidentally misusing contact information. Plus, we encrypt every message on the platform, ensuring that your texts are always secure and confidential. 

6. Builds a Genuinely Interested Audience via Opt-In   

Unlike more intrusive communication methods, SMS engagement is "opt-in. "Which means your customers choose to receive messages from you. This permission-based approach keeps engagement high since customers are more likely to appreciate and respond to messages they want to receive. By respecting their preferences (and being sure to send valuable content), you can build lasting relationships and avoid coming across as spam. 

TEXTING TIP #3: Be sure to establish a texting schedule with your customers because over 60 percent of consumers unsubscribe from texting lists because they receive too many messages.

As you can see, the future of customer engagement is in the palm of your hand – quite literally – with Cloud9VoIP's SMS business solutions. From instant communication to privacy preservation, the benefits are undeniable. By adopting SMS business solutions, you'll not only increase client satisfaction but also position your business as one that's forward-thinking and customer centric. 

Give Your Customers the Gift of SMS with Cloud9VoIP  

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your customer engagement. Take the next step by exploring Cloud9VoIP's SMS business solutions and revolutionize the way you connect with your audience. Your customers are waiting – reach out to them in a way that truly resonates by reaching out to us!