
You can create a conference with two parties using the phone’s local conference feature. You can create a conference between an active call and a call on hold by pressing the Conference soft key.

The phone supports up to 3 parties (including yourself) in a conference call. This is called Local Conference and is the default method of conference.

To set up a local conference call:

1.    Place a call to the first party.

2.    When the first party answers the call, press the Conference soft key to place a new call. The active call is placed on hold.

3.    Enter the number of the second party and press OK, #, or the Send soft key.

4.    When the second party answers the call, press the Conference soft key again to join all parties in the conference.

During a Conference Call

During the conference call, you can do the following:


·         Press hold key or the hold soft key on the screen to place the conference on hold.

·         Press the Split soft key to split the conference call into individual calls.

·         Press the Manage soft key, and then press the up arrow or down arrow to select the desired party.

·         Press the Far Mute soft key to forbid the party  speaking.

·         Press the Remove soft key to remove the party  from the conference call.

·         Press the Back soft key to return to the previous  interface.

·         Press mute icon to mute the conference call.

·         Press the End Call soft key to drop  the conference call.