The Crucial Role of Hosted Phone Systems in Shaping the Future of Work

We can all agree that work has changed drastically over the last few years. Employees can split their time between the office and remote settings thanks to hybrid work. Some don't even come into an office at all, opting to work remotely full-time. Very few are missing the nine-to-five in-office grind. Let’s face it – waking up early, sitting in traffic, working, then sitting in traffic some more, only to go home and have it be time for bed isn’t exactly desirable, which is why a staggering 98 percent of American professionals want to work remotely. Even if it's only a few days a week.  

Alongside these trends, a "gig economy" has boomed. Instead of being employed by one company, many professionals take on short-term contracts and freelance work (aka "gigs") that align with their skills and preferences. This shift gives them more autonomy over their careers, and even more changes are set to come our way. Thankfully, hosted phone systems can keep up with whatever the future throws at you. Here's why.  

How Hosted Phone Systems Help You Keep Up with New Work Trends  

No matter what trends pop up moving forward, hosted phone systems are ready to answer the call. Let’s take a look at how.  

Cloud-Based Infrastructure Provides Greater Flexibility 

Because these systems are hosted in the cloud, they don't limit you to one location, one device, or one way of communicating. Software can be changed, capabilities updated, and code rewritten to accommodate all kinds of changes. With hosted phones, you have:  

  • The flexibility to work from anywhere: Cloud9's hosted phones liberate you from being stuck in a fixed location. Whether you're in a bustling office, sipping coffee at your favorite café, or cozying up at home, these systems let you easily connect and communicate. Say goodbye to the frustration of missing important calls because you're not tied to your desk.  

  • The flexibility to add new features and functions: Traditional phone systems often require complex hardware upgrades to add new features. Hosted systems flip this script. You can integrate fresh features that enhance your communication game with a few clicks. From virtual receptionists to call routing magic, you can stay ahead without the headache.  

  • The flexibility to integrate with new technologies: The tech landscape evolves rapidly, and so should your communication systems. Hosted phone systems play nice with new technologies, allowing you to effortlessly weave in AI-powered chatbots, CRM integrations, and other cutting-edge tools that amplify your efficiency.  

They Can Be Easily Updated by Your Provider  

Hosted phone providers have one job – to keep your system updated and running smoothly, and the best ones do so 24/7/365, guaranteeing you don't fall behind the trends.  

  • Instant access to the latest features: Remember those days of waiting for ages to get the "latest update"? Cloud9's hosted phone systems laugh at those days. Providers roll out new features regularly, and you're in on the action as soon as they're live. Stay at the forefront of communication trends without lifting a finger.   

  • Fort Knox-level security: No matter your security concerns, Cloud9 hosted systems are here to fortify your defenses with end-to-end encryption, multifactor authentication, and more. Your provider's got your back, ensuring that your confidential conversations stay that way — confidential.  

  • Updates without the headache: Remember the time you spent trying to update your old phone system? Yeah, we'd all like to forget. And hosted phone systems can help! They automatically update in the background, sparing you the typical IT headache. Now you can fully focus the tasks at hand, knowing your communication tool is always up to date.  

Accommodate the New Wave of Workers Quickly & Easily  

No matter how your employees choose to work, Cloud9 systems can help them achieve top-tier communications. How?  

  • They empower gig workers with new levels of professionalism: Gig workers often juggle multiple clients. A hosted phone system gives them a professional edge with dedicated numbers, voicemail, and call forwarding. Impress clients with seamless communication, no matter where you work.  

  • They can go wherever contractors go: Remote contractors need a "phone in their hand," just like everyone else. Hosted phone systems offer a device-agnostic softphone app, meaning these contractors can connect seamlessly, no matter the gadget they're wielding.  

  • They make excellent communication accessible for all: Office or no office, everyone deserves the same perks. Cloud9's hosted phones level the playing field, ensuring that in-office and remote employees have equal access to features and updates. No one gets left behind.  

Future-Proof Your Business with Cloud9's Hosted Phone Systems  

Experience the seamless future of work communication with Cloud9VoIP's advanced hosted phone system. Connect with us now to stay prepared, stay relevant, and even stay ahead in the evolving work landscape!